
Thermo-physical Society of India (TPSI) is a society founded in 1999 by Prof. M. N. Bora, Head Deptt. of Physics, Gauhati University, Guwahati, dedicated to the field of thermo physical properties of materials.

The society is committed to stimulate and integrate research in the field of materials for rapid industrial progress in the country.

The Thermo-physical Society of India came into existence in March 1999, during the first National Conference on Thermo-physical Properties (1st NCTP) at Gauhati University, Guwahati. Thanks to farsighted vision of Prof. M. N. Bora, convener of the 1st NCTP. Prof. Bora functioned as the founder president and laid the foundation for its growth over the last decade.

The hosting of International conference in 2001 at Guwahati University under the joint banner of Asian Thermo-physical Society (ATPS) and Thermo-physical Society of India (TPSI) again in the convenership of Prof. M. N. Bora during October 08-11, 2001 was a major activity of TPSI.

The conference had 22 theme symposia and was held in six parallel sessions per day with 24 total no. of sessions. 24 invited talks were delivered and 121 contributed papers were presented. The proceeding of the conference consisting of 142 selected papers was printed in two volumes from the camera ready manuscripts of the papers of the authors. The successive National Conferences (NCTP’s) were held in Jaipur, Goa, Kollam, Vadodara, Varanasi and Kanpur in years 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2013 in the convenership of Prof. N.S. Saxena, Prof. J.A.E. Desa, Prof. K.Remadevi, Prof. Arun Pratap, Prof. K.S. Dubey and Dr. Santosh Kumar. Papers presented at these conferences have been published after peer review in the special issues of Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, CSIR, New Delhi and as proceedings of AIP, U.S.A.

Executive committee of the society was formed on Oct. 26, 2001 and functioned till September 22, 2007, when Prof. Bora expressed his inability to continue as president of the society due to his health problems. A new executive committee was formed and Prof. N.S. Saxena took charge as president of the society with Prof. Kananbala Sharma as General Secretary. Prof. Bora was requested to continue as founder president and advisor to the society.