
How to Submit Abstract?

How to Submit Abstract?


• Abstract must be submitted in English.
• Abstract title must be limited to 30 words.
• The body of the abstract should not exceed 300 words (Excluding: Title, Authors and their affiliations)
• No references, acknowledgements, charts and graphics should be included in the abstract.
• Before submission of abstract go through with AWARDS.


• The abstract will be peer-reviewed and the corresponding author will be informed about the acceptance via e-mail on or before 20th September 2024.
• All communications will be made to the corresponding author at the registered e-mail address.
• If no response is received till 20th September 2024, please contact the secretariat.
• Accepted abstracts will be scheduled for oral /poster presentation as per the decision made by the scientific committee.

Note: We are asking for a passport number so that we can apply in time for clearance from the Ministry of External Affairs and Home Ministry of India for approval of the international conference.

Download Abstract Template

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